Edukad projektid

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Found 97 projects. partner country [ DE ]  search term [ OPEN ]

Partner countries (number of times in projects)
project no acronym and title duration
H2020 - 824212 200SMEchallenge - Design-driven Open Innovation Challenge for 200 SMEs 2019-2021
H2020 - 693477 ACCOMPLISSH - Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from Social Sciences and Humanities 2016-2019
H2020 - 739530 ACTRIS PPP - ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project 2017-2019
H2020 - 688364 ASSET - Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism 2016-2018
H2020 - 101007492 BiCIKL - Biodiversity Community Integrated Knowledge Library 2021-2024
H2020 - 869237 BiodivClim - Promoting and implementing joint programming to reinforce transnational research at the crossroad between biodiversity and climate change -
H2020 - 776617 BiodivScen - Promoting and implementing joint programming at the international level to reinforce research on the development of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services 2017-2022
H2020 - 787100 CCI - Cutting Crime Impact – Practice-based innovation in preventing, investigating and mitigating high-impact petty crime 2018-2021
H2020 - 833326 CRITICAL-CHAINS - IOT- & Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework for New Generation Critical Cyber-Physical Systems In Finance Sector 2019-2022
H2020 - 824964 DIH² - A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production -
H2020 - 824110 EASI-Genomics - European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics 2019-2023
H2020 - 824043 ECOBOTICS.SEA - Bio-inspired Technologies for a Sustainable Marine Ecosystem 2019-2022
H2020 - 636329 EfficienSea 2 - EfficienSea 2 - Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea 2015-2018
H2020 - 806968 EHDEN - Electronic Health Data in a European Network -
H2020 - 731015 ELEXIS - European Lexicographic Infrastructure 2018-2022
H2020 - 101017536 EOSC Future - EOSC Future -
H2020 - 857652 EOSC-Nordic - EOSC-Nordic 2019-2022
H2020 - 823839 EPIC-XS - European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium providing Access 2019-2022
H2020 - 779282 ERA PerMed - ERA-Net Cofund in Personalised Medicine 2017-2022
H2020 - 642007 ESMERALDA - Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking 2015-2018
H2020 - 691720 ESPRESSO - Systemic standardisation approach to empower smart cities and communities 2016-2017
H2020 - 853966 EU-PEARL - EU Patient- cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform -
H2020 - 817863 EURAKNOS - Connecting Thematic Networks as Knowledge Reservoirs: towards a European Agricultural Knowledge Innovation Open Source System -
H2020 - 862790 Eureka - European Knowledge repository for best agricultural practices 2020-2021
H2020 - 824077 EurofleetsPlus - An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities. 2019-2023
H2020 - 101016608 EVOLVED-5G - Experimentation and Validation Openness for Long-term evolution of VErtical inDustries in 5G era and beyond 2021-2023
H2020 - 642224 FREEWAT - FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management 2015-2017
H2020 - 823942 FUNCOAT - Development and design of novel multiFUNctional PEO COATings 2019-2022
H2020 - 691567 GN4-1 - GN4-1 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT 2015-2016
H2020 - 731122 GN4-2 - GN4-2 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT 2016-2018
H2020 - 871754 i3-MARKET - Intelligent, Interoperable, Integrative and deployable open source MARKETplace with trusted and secure software tools for incentivising the industry data economy 2020-2022
H2020 - 871153 JERICO-S3 - Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3 2020-2024
H2020 - 767642 L4MS - Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs 2017-2021
H2020 - 645000 LIFE - LearnIng from Failure in a collaborative Entrepreneurship network 2015-2016
H2020 - 814552 LightMe - An Open Innovation Ecosystem for upscaling production processes of lightweight metal alloys composites 2019-2022
H2020 - 760173 MarketPlace - Materials Modelling Marketplace for Increased Industrial Innovation 2018-2022
H2020 - 814572 NanoSolveIT - Innovative Nanoinformatics models and tools: towards a Solid, verified and Integrated Approach to Predictive (eco)Toxicology (NanoSolveIT) 2019-2023
H2020 - 731685 Next-Lab - Next Generation Stakeholders and Next Level Ecosystem for ColLaborative Science Education with Online Labs 2017-2019
H2020 - 825618 NGI_TRUST - Partnership for innovative technological solutions to ensure privacy and enhance trust for the human-centric Internet -
H2020 - 643410 OpenAIRE2020 - Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 2015-2018
H2020 - 777541 OpenAIRE-Advance - OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship 2018-2020
H2020 - 101037080 oPEN Lab - Open innovation living labs for Positive Energy Neighbourhoods 2021-2026
H2020 - 101034347 OPTIMA - Optimal treatment for patients with solid tumours in Europe through Artificial intelligence 2021-2026
H2020 - 760921 PANBioRA - Personalized And/Or Generalized Integrated Biomaterial Risk Assessment 2018-2021
H2020 - 653497 PANORAMIX - Privacy and Accountability in Networks via Optimized Randomized Mix-nets 2015-2018
H2020 - 695945 PEAKapp - Personal Energy Administration Kiosk application: an ICT-ecosystem for Energy Savings through Behavioural Change, Flexible Tariffs and Fun 2016-2019
H2020 - 857188 PHArA-ON - Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing 2019-2023
H2020 - 634809 PRECIOUS - PREvention of Complications to Improve OUtcome in elderly patients with acute Stroke 2015-2020
H2020 - 101037342 PSLifestyle - Co-Creating Positive and Sustainable Lifestyle Tool with and for European Citizens 2021-2025
H2020 - 724109 RADIAN - Facilitating Collaboration in ReseArch and Development to Foster Further Innovation in European AeroNautics -
H2020 - 700151 Reaching out - demonstRation of EU effective lArge sCale tHreat and crIsis maNaGement OUTside the EU 2016-2019
H2020 - 649865 REFURB - REgional process innovations FOR Building renovation packages opening markets to zero energy renovations 2015-2018
H2020 - 770309 RETOPEA - Religious Toleration and Peace 2018-2022
H2020 - 101006430 ROSiE - Responsible Open Science in Europe 2021-2024
H2020 - 730960 SeaDataCloud - SeaDataCloud - Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management 2016-2020
H2020 - 646457 SECURECHAIN - Securing future-proof environmentally compatible bioenergy chains 2015-2018
H2020 - 862563 SMARTPROTECT - SMART agriculture for innovative vegetable crop PROTECTion: harnessing advanced methodologies and technologies 2020-2022
H2020 - 654024 SoBigData - SoBigData Research Infrastructure 2015-2019
H2020 - 774613 SOGNO - Service Oriented Grid for the Network of the Future 2018-2020
H2020 - 653350 TARGET - Training Augmented Reality Generalised Environment Toolkit 2015-2018
H2020 - 726840 TROPICO - Transforming into Open, Innovative and Collaborative Governments 2017-2021
FP7 - 313010 BBMRI-LPC - BBMRI - Large Prospective Cohorts 2013-2017
FP7 - 278913 BIOMARCARE - Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe 2011-2015
FP7 - 211363 BIO-NET - A Network of National Contact Points providing cutting-edge NCP services to the Knowledge Based Bio-Economy research community 2008-2012
FP7 - 610802 CloudWave - Agile Service Engineering for the Future Internet 2013-2016
FP7 - 284434 COSMOS+ - Continuation Of the cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services 2012-2014
FP7 - 603608 eartH2Observe - Global Earth Observation for integrated water resource assessment 2014-2017
FP7 - 308454 EU BON - EU BON: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network 2012-2017
FP7 - 249143 EURAXESS T.O.P. - Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the Partners in the EURAXESS Services Network 2010-2011
FP7 - 278709 EUROHYP-1 - European multicentre, randomised, phase III clinical trial of hypothermia plus best medical treatment versus best medical treatment alone for acute ischaemic stroke 2012-2017
FP7 - 212879 EURORIS-NET - European Research Infrastructures Network of National Contact Points 2007-2011
FP7 - 218350 FAMOBS - Frequency Agile Microwave Bonding System 2008-2012
FP7 - 286770 FASTCUDA - Open Source FPGA Accelerator & Hardware Software Codesign Toolset for CUDA Kernels 2011-2013
FP7 - 604691 FI-STAR - Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research 2013-2015
FP7 - 287634 FOODMICROSYSTEMS - Microsystems and Smart Miniaturised Systems for Food Quality and Safety Control 2011-2013
FP7 - 318424 FutureID - Shaping the future of electronic identity 2012-2015
FP7 - 317601 Go-Lab - Global Online Science Labs for Inquiry Learning at School 2012-2016
FP7 - 249697 HIVERA - Harmonizing, Integrating and Vitalizing European Research on hiv/Aids 2010-2014
FP7 - 244365 MEDIADEM - European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing and Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems 2010-2013
FP7 - 222333 NANOAIR - NanoAir, Development of an automated instrument for real-time, on-site qualitative analysis of full-range breathable airborne particles, including nanoparticles, using XRD technology 2008-2011
FP7 - 233473 NANOTOTOUCH - Nanosciences Live in Science Centres and Museums 2009-2011
FP7 - 242146 NEOMERO - European multicenter network to evaluate pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy of Meropenem in neonatal sepsis and meningitis 2010-2013
FP7 - 217152 NET4SOCIETY - Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Socio-economic sciences and the Humanities 2008-2011
FP7 - 246686 OPENAIRE - Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2009-2012
FP7 - 283595 OPENAIREPLUS - 2nd-Generation Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2011-2014
FP7 - 262371 PANGEO - Enabling access to geological information in support of GMES 2011-2014
FP7 - 619568 PREFORMA - PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives 2014-2017
FP7 - 266589 PROFILES - Professional Reflection-Oriented Focus on Inquiry-based Learning and Education though Science 2010-2014
FP7 - 242181 RICHE - RICHE – a platform and inventory for child health research in Europe 2010-2013
FP7 - 608096 ROBOCADEMY - European Academy for Marine and Underwater Robotics 2014-2017
FP7 - 223427 SCHIZDX - Developing minimally invasive, tools and technologies for high throughput, low cost molecular assays for the early diagnosis of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders 2008-2012
FP7 - 222720 TORNADO - Molecular Targets Open for Regulation by the gut flora – New Avenues for improved Diet to Optimize European health 2009-2013
FP7 - 319962 UPSIDE - User-driven Participatory Solutions for Innovation in Digitally-centred Ecosystems 2013-2016
FP7 - 251527 WATERS - Strategic partnership for improved basin-scale water quality parameter retrieval from optical signatures 2010-2014
FP5 - 63612 OPENMOLGRID - Open Computing GRID for Molecular Science and Engineering 2002-2005